Step-1 Go to Home Page, click on Fill form Button,Then fill form.
Step-2 Accept Declaration and Agreement, If Declaration and Agreement is not accepted then form rejected automatically.
Step-3 Once form is submitted successfully printout Application form and notedown Application No and Post id for future reference.
Step-4 Payment- user/client can pay to authorised agent in cash or Go to Home Page,go to payment page. Scan QR Code pay digitally
Note- For Transparency and Accountability, It is inform by Service provider of this site to Public in general that The Company will mention their agent name, mobile no and address detail on about us page. Any person not mention in about us page not deem to be agent of Company. Agent are only allowed to facilitate and help client to reach the company, they are not allowed to make and settle any term of agreement with client, All required term of agreement are mention in the form which client has to accept in order to get services from Company or on this site. In addition, it is also deem that the client has accept general policy of Company if he or she using this site and accepting services from Company.
Step-5 Once the form is successfully submitted company agent will contract you with mobile no mention on about us page or you can contract agent, mention in about us page. Note- it is client responsibility to pay his due timely, undue delay in payment, result blocking of post by the company.
1 - Information mention in Post is given by client on his behalf. On the basis of such information, his post is created, this website , is just an platform to share this information to viewers. The website service provider do not inspect or authenticate information given by client for creation of his business post. it is client responsibility to give correct information to website service provider. So it advices by the service provider of this site to public in general or viewer. that, the public/viewer should believe information given on client post with their own personal inquiry or personal care and caution.
2 - Information regarding this website, company ,his agent etc. - All information is mention on official site.It is advice to public in general by the company. that, public should believe information mention in official site, not in the information given on youtube , google map or any other site. In these platform anybody can give/post information which might be similar but misleading in essence. Company only authenticate information given in official site not any such platform. If any public get any information on these platform/site should always check/match this information with official site only then believe on such information. It is also a general rule to believe information mention in official site. Thus this advice is just supplementary.